Updated on: 24/01/25 16:25pm
Market Status: Post-Close
Main Board
AIRTEL 83.94  (-1.05)
BHL 14.54  (-0.01)
FDHB 199.55  (19.00)
FMBCH 555.08  (0.00)
ICON 18.05  (0.01)
ILLOVO 1,355.08  (-0.01)
MPICO 19.00  (0.00)
NBM 5,484.39  (20.97)
NBS 349.98  (0.00)
NICO 419.03  (0.06)
NITL 440.01  (0.00)
OMU 1,950.01  (0.00)
PCL 2,499.95  (0.00)
STANDARD 6,900.01  (0.00)
SUNBIRD 276.12  (0.00)
TNM 19.99  (-0.03)
Debt Securities Market
DB820 72.33  (0.00)
T012 81.04  (0.00)
T05NT 84.39  (0.00)
T0731 72.14  (0.00)
T103 77.42  (0.00)
T10NX 68.46  (0.00)
T10YR 71.70  (0.00)
TN05Y 77.31  (0.00)
TN07 76.33  (0.00)
TN102 87.98  (0.00)
TN3 77.04  (0.00)
TN5 70.65  (0.00)
TN50 77.14  (0.00)
TN7AF 73.83  (0.00)
TN7YR 76.77  (0.00)
TN888 73.06  (0.00)
TN90 88.42  (0.00)
TN92 100.00  (0.00)
TNX07 76.06  (0.00)
TNX10 70.64  (0.00)
TNX7 74.39  (0.00)
TNY07 75.34  (0.00)
TT05 76.91  (0.00)
TX07Y 74.60  (0.00)
TX10Z 70.62  (0.00)

The Malawi Stock Exchange conducted a business breakfast on 12th December, 2023 at BICC in Lilongwe. The business breakfast was designed to provide valuable insights into the stock market operations, enhance the publics’ understanding of the platforms available for them to raise capital and to provide opportunity for attendees to network with industry professionals. The business breakfast brought together industry experts from the capital markets as speakers to provide insights and practical solutions to raising capital through the MSE’s Listing platforms.
The event was intended to increase awareness and encourage companies to list on the Malawi Stock Exchange. The business breakfast was attended by business captains from various institutions in government and private sector. Mr. John Robson Kamanga, Chief Executive Officer of the Malawi Stock Exchange gave the welcoming remarks, followed by the breakfast. Two presentations were also made soon after the breakfast as follows:

  • Opportunities for raising financing through listing, and how companies can enhance their readiness to list on the Exchange, by Mr. Emmanuel Chokani, Chief Executive Office for Bridgepath Capital Limited
  • What investors look for when financing companies and common challenges encountered with companies seeking to raise capital, by Mr. Dennis Kawawa, Investment Banking Associate for CDH Investment Bank.

Thereafter, a question-and-answer session was conducted, which not only provided valuable insights, but also allowed attendees to participate and seek clarifications on what was presented. The closing remarks was done by the MSE Chairman, Professor James Kamwachale Khomba.

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