Individuals from all age ranges, institutions or organizations who are willing to become part-owners or shareholders of a business can invest on the Stock Exchange. The Stock Market is also available to foreign investors.
You do not need to have a fortune to invest on the Stock Market. The minimum number of shares that one can buy is 1 share.
Investors are encouraged to start investing as early as possible in their lives to maximize gains from the Stock Market. Investors willing to hold shares over long periods of time generally have been rewarded with strong, positive returns. A few people may stumble into financial security, but most people, attain financial security through long term saving and investment. If you are looking to cash in right away, the Stock Market might not be a good place to put your money.
Invest in shares by contacting a licensed stockbroker for professional advice, who will in turn carry out the transactions on your behalf. When you buy a share you will be involved in certain decisions regarding the business' future and share in its profits.