The Malawi Stock Exchange hosted its inaugural quarterly meeting for the Mzinga Incubation Program, featuring the first cohort of selected companies, on March 28, 2024, at Ryalls Hotel in Blantyre. The event commenced with opening remarks delivered by Mr. John Robson Kamanga, Chief Executive Officer of the Malawi Stock Exchange, followed by a presentation on Corporate Governance led by Mr. David Moyo, Chief Investment Officer, and Mr. Mayamiko Mbendera, Corporate Finance Transactor, both representing NICO Capital Limited. Subsequently, Mr. Madalitso Mittochi, Finance Manager and Company Secretary of the Malawi Stock Exchange, presented on Financial and Integrated reporting. A question-and-answer session allowed incubates to engage directly. Mr. John Robson Kamanga concluded the event with closing remarks.
The Mzinga Incubation Program stands as a pivotal strategic endeavour of the Malawi Stock Exchange (MSE), designed to enhance access to patient and affordable capital for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) through capacity building initiatives. These efforts aim to bolster SME readiness for listing on the MSE, particularly under the Enterprise Development and Growth Exchange (EDGEx) platform. Funded by the World Bank through the Financial Inclusion and Entrepreneurship Scaling project (FInES), the Mzinga Incubation Program represents a significant step towards fostering financial inclusion and entrepreneurship in Malawi. The companies currently enrolled in the first cohort include Agro-Input Suppliers Limited, Combine Cargo Limited, Nagowa Finance Limited, Wealthnet Finance Plc, Unified Technologies Limited and Ziweto Enterprises Limited.