Updated on: 24/01/25 16:10pm
Market Status: Post-Close
Main Board
AIRTEL 83.94  (-1.05)
BHL 14.54  (-0.01)
FDHB 199.55  (19.00)
FMBCH 555.08  (0.00)
ICON 18.05  (0.01)
ILLOVO 1,355.08  (-0.01)
MPICO 19.00  (0.00)
NBM 5,484.39  (20.97)
NBS 349.98  (0.00)
NICO 419.03  (0.06)
NITL 440.01  (0.00)
OMU 1,950.01  (0.00)
PCL 2,499.95  (0.00)
STANDARD 6,900.01  (0.00)
SUNBIRD 276.12  (0.00)
TNM 19.99  (-0.03)
Debt Securities Market
DB820 72.33  (0.00)
T012 81.04  (0.00)
T05NT 84.39  (0.00)
T0731 72.14  (0.00)
T103 77.42  (0.00)
T10NX 68.46  (0.00)
T10YR 71.70  (0.00)
TN05Y 77.31  (0.00)
TN07 76.33  (0.00)
TN102 87.98  (0.00)
TN3 77.04  (0.00)
TN5 70.65  (0.00)
TN50 77.14  (0.00)
TN7AF 73.83  (0.00)
TN7YR 76.77  (0.00)
TN888 73.06  (0.00)
TN90 88.42  (0.00)
TN92 100.00  (0.00)
TNX07 76.06  (0.00)
TNX10 70.64  (0.00)
TNX7 74.39  (0.00)
TNY07 75.34  (0.00)
TT05 76.91  (0.00)
TX07Y 74.60  (0.00)
TX10Z 70.62  (0.00)

The Malawi Stock Exchange conducted Business Breakfast focused on the theme of "Corporate Governance and its role in business” on 21 May 2024 at Ryalls Hotel. The event brought together key decision-makers from potential companies on the Malawi Stock Exchange (MSE), emphasizing the importance of good corporate governance practices. The event commenced at 7:30 AM with opening remarks delivered by Mr. John Robson Kamanga, the Chief Executive Officer of the Malawi Stock Exchange. In his address, Mr. Kamanga underscored the critical role that corporate governance plays in fostering transparency, accountability and sustainable growth within businesses. He highlighted the MSE's commitment to promoting good governance standards among listed companies, which in turn enhances investor confidence and market integrity.

Following Mr. Kamanga's insightful remarks, attendees enjoyed a splendid breakfast, providing an opportunity for networking and informal discussions on the morning's theme. The highlight of the event was a presentation by Mr. David Moyo, the Chief Investment Officer at NICO Capital Limited. Mr. Moyo's presentation delved into the core principles of corporate governance, illustrating how effective governance frameworks can mitigate risks, attract investment and drive long-term business success. He provided practical examples and case studies, demonstrating the tangible benefits of adhering to governance standards.

Afterward, a panel discussion followed, featuring esteemed panellists including Mr. Moyo himself, Mrs. Kelline Kondowe, the Chief Operating Officer of the Malawi Stock Exchange, and Mr. Kenneth Mmadi, General Manager of Continental Capital Limited. The panellists engaged in a thought-provoking dialogue, exploring various facets of corporate governance. To conclude the event, Mrs. Kelline Kondowe delivered the closing remarks. She restated the importance of corporate governance as a cornerstone of business integrity and resilience. Mrs. Kondowe encouraged the invited companies to prioritize governance in their strategic planning, ensuring they are well-positioned to attract investors and achieve sustainable growth.

The Business Breakfast successfully highlighted the key role of corporate governance in businesses, providing valuable insights and fostering a deeper understanding among participants. The engagement of decision-makers from potential listing companies underscored the strategic importance of this event, aiming to elevate governance standards and ultimately enhance the performance and reputation of businesses in Malawi.

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