Updated on: 24/01/25 15:45pm
Market Status: Post-Close
Main Board
AIRTEL 83.94  (-1.05)
BHL 14.54  (-0.01)
FDHB 199.55  (19.00)
FMBCH 555.08  (0.00)
ICON 18.05  (0.01)
ILLOVO 1,355.08  (-0.01)
MPICO 19.00  (0.00)
NBM 5,484.39  (20.97)
NBS 349.98  (0.00)
NICO 419.03  (0.06)
NITL 440.01  (0.00)
OMU 1,950.01  (0.00)
PCL 2,499.95  (0.00)
STANDARD 6,900.01  (0.00)
SUNBIRD 276.12  (0.00)
TNM 19.99  (-0.03)
Debt Securities Market
DB820 72.33  (0.00)
T012 81.04  (0.00)
T05NT 84.39  (0.00)
T0731 72.14  (0.00)
T103 77.42  (0.00)
T10NX 68.46  (0.00)
T10YR 71.70  (0.00)
TN05Y 77.31  (0.00)
TN07 76.33  (0.00)
TN102 87.98  (0.00)
TN3 77.04  (0.00)
TN5 70.65  (0.00)
TN50 77.14  (0.00)
TN7AF 73.83  (0.00)
TN7YR 76.77  (0.00)
TN888 73.06  (0.00)
TN90 88.42  (0.00)
TN92 100.00  (0.00)
TNX07 76.06  (0.00)
TNX10 70.64  (0.00)
TNX7 74.39  (0.00)
TNY07 75.34  (0.00)
TT05 76.91  (0.00)
TX07Y 74.60  (0.00)
TX10Z 70.62  (0.00)

The Malawi Stock Exchange (MSE), in partnership with key players from the country's capital markets, recently concluded a successful Global Money Week 2024 from March 19th to March 22nd. The event, held under the theme "Protect your money, secure your future," aimed to impart essential financial knowledge and skills to youth.

During the week, learners from St. Andrews International High School and Hilltop Academy had the opportunity to visit the MSE and interact with industry experts, gaining valuable insights into financial concepts through tailored sessions. Additionally, the MSE shared financial literacy content on saving and investing via its social media platforms throughout the week.

Initiatives like Global Money Week play a crucial role in enhancing financial literacy, empowering individuals to make informed financial decisions. By educating young people on topics like saving, investing, and financial planning, we equip them with the tools they need to navigate adulthood and secure their financial futures.

Looking forward, the MSE remains committed to expanding financial literacy efforts in collaboration with educational institutions, government bodies, and industry stakeholders. By fostering a culture of financial education early on, we can enable individuals to make wise financial choices, thereby contributing to Malawi's long-term economic prosperity.

The success of Global Money Week 2024 underscores the MSE's dedication to promoting financial literacy and empowerment. Through engagement with young learners and the dissemination of valuable knowledge and skills, we are laying the groundwork for a financially savvy and prosperous future generation.

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